Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dear drunk blonde girl holding two pizza boxes,

You mistakenly and obnoxiously buzzed our apartment not once, but about 5 times at 3 am last night, causing me to awake suddenly and scared that something was desperately wrong with one of my friends or family. When I pushed talk and asked "Who is it?!" you gave a clear, concise answer: "Me!" Unfortunately in the little crackled buzz box, your voice sounded very similar to Carisa or I buzzed your ass in.

When I went to my front door to let in a friend, I caught you in the stairway. Drunk, with two pizza boxes. You mumbled sorry and I slammed the door in your face.

I hope your pizza got cold!

1 comment:

Olivia Hein said...

i'm sorry she made you worry for my safety, even for just a moment.

but thanks for being the kind of friend that would worry for my safety. :)