Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ever have a show you really want to go to but you just can't seem to get anyone else on board? Last night my friend Jason spontaneously asked me to go with him to the Elbow show at the Park West. I told him I'd love too but I was poor at the moment and couldn't really afford tickets, cab, beers. Turns out he just really wanted someone to go with him, and so the night was his treat. Well...can't argue with that :)

I was vaguely familiar with Elbow. I remember having a song of theirs on my itunes in college and really liking it. (it was the song Newborn, fyi) They started up and I was instantly happy I came. The last time I was at Park West I saw M. Ward. Since it was just him and his guitar, I didn't realize how amazing the sound system is. The show was great, and the lead singer was fun with his witty British banter.

Also the last time I went to Park West, I didn't realize how close it was to the Lincoln Park Zoo. It was another one of those moments when suddenly the city gets a little smaller.

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