Sunday, March 30, 2008

Law School Prom

Last night Tim and I went to the Barrister's Ball, AKA "Law School Prom". We started the night at a student's apartment pre-party, where a 23 year old was living in the kind of apartment people in their late 20's-30's strive for. One whole wall of her bedroom was window and outside was a 15th floor view of the Gold Coast and Lincoln Park. *sigh* Anyway, we were off to the Adler Planetarium for a night of all you can eat catered food and drinks. I was excited to be going to the Planetarium since it was the last of the major museums for me to visit. My new favorite thing is attending these museums after hours during an event. You get the chance to wander the exhibits with drink in hand, sans kids in strollers. The Planetarium deck had the most amazing view of the Chicago skyline that I've ever seen. I tried to take pictures on it but the lighting wasn't strong enough to really see anything, plus half the skyline was dark for Earth Hour. I've attached a picture of what it would have looked like if I could get a decent photo. It's nights like these where living in the city feels glamorous ;) Pictures of a decked out couple to come!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Make me a Muxtape

Check THIS out!
Make a mixtape and share with friends. Send me your's, I'm falling behind on the music scene. I need help.
My biopsy went well yesterday and I should get the results back on Monday or Tuesday (fingers crossed). This was a routine annual biopsy, so nothing brought it case you were worried. :)

Even though I only to do this once a year, it still sucks, and it makes me realize how quickly 12 months flies by. While I sat in the waiting room half asleep (6:30 am appointment), I looked around and realized something very important about myself. I'm a strong girl. Not physically, but mentally. There were about 5 other patients waiting to be called in...all with a small group of family members with them. And then there was me, alone and calm. I stroll into these things like it's nothing...probably because I've done it about 8 times. The nurses all love me because they don't have to calm my nerves or explain whats about to happen. All they have to do is promptly bring me food when it's all done.

Thanks Tim for picking my hobbling ass up and taking me home. And thanks Lee for sending me the family pics via mom's phone camera. Wish I could have been home in Florida enjoying warm air, sunshine, and amazing sushi. :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Take another little piece of my heart now baby"

UPDATE: Got a clean bill of health today from the doc!

I have my annual biopsy tomorrow. Wish me luck. :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

...the hell?


this looks painful.

Is Sex and the City bad for some women?

I’m listening to an interesting conversation (on NPR) about spring break and girls going wild. The guest speaker mentioned the show Sex and the City and suggested that it may have given girls a “false” sense of sexual power. This reminded me of one time hearing a guy say something along the lines of "I love the show Sex and the City! It makes girls feel like it's ok to be sluts!" Ugh! This got me thinking about the tone of the show and how it could be perceived in different ways, and how I perceive it. The show has its name for a reason…there is a lot of sex involved…often with random men. Even with this in mind, to me, these characters never come across as slutty or whore-ish (ok, maybe except for Samantha) because it always seems like these women have the upper hand. They are all successful, beautiful, and very smart. It seems sad to me that some girls may watch this show and feel that it gives them free-reign to be sexually “free” in front of mobs of people because it's their "choice".

To my girlfriends and I, the show does something very important…it attempts (successfully?) to break down the terrifying idea that by the time you’re thirtysomething you must be married with children.

30 Rock

What happened in my life that I some how stopped watching this show?! I think it has something to do with Lost.

Jack to Liz

Just Liz

Monday, March 24, 2008

a bracket for the rest of us

I know it must be college basketball time because I'm getting all those annoying emails at work from people trying to hit me up for money. Why would I pay $10 for a box on a sheet of paper? Last year I picked the Gators to go all the way (of course) and when they did, I saw nothing! Not even my $10 back. I know it's more complicated than that...but I don't care. hehe.

So the girls at Go Fug Yourself have created a bracket for the rest of us. Check it out :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!


Not sure what we're gonna do today because I'm broke as a joke. i think Tim and I have explored every free option of entertainment in the city!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

I need a break

Last night I couldn't sleep because of a splitting headache. To make matters worse, whenever I'd slightly fall asleep, I'd dream (nightmare) about the program guide that I'm in the middle of putting together at work. Ugh. When work invades your life and your dreams, that's not good. I need to get away for a bit...away from the drive to the suburbs, the snow, the schedule at work... I wish I had yoga tonight.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Is nothing sacred?

I just got a spam text! A fricken spam TEXT!

Go Me!

Today I told a co-worker that they hurt my feelings. It was liberating :)

dream office

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Bleeding Hearts and Corned Beef

"Bleeding Heart Bakery began as the end result of Valentin and Michelle Garcia's love affair with baking, cooking, punk rock and all things organic."

Saturday morning Tim and I checked out a new bakery called Bleeding Heart Bakery. I've been wanting to go here since I noticed the old Butterkist sign had changed to a new name. So finally we went. It was like a punk rock bakery with paintings of hearts (human hearts) playing the guitar. (...anyone got $200?!) I got a blueberry lemon scone and a chai. It was delicious! I had a very hard time deciding what to get. There were tons of yummy looking options. It's safe to say that we'll be back for seconds.

To wrap up St. Patty's Day, Sarah (Lee's girlfriend) hosted a small get together for some corned beef and cabbage! This was hand down the best Irish food I've ever had. The corned beef melted in my mouth and the cabbage with carrots and potatoes were SO good. After dinner we all sat around and played the card/drinking game "Waterfalls" or as it's also known as, "Kings and Queens." I haven't played this game since college so I was little rusty, but quickly got back into the swing of it. My favorite cards are 9...for bust a rhyme, and 10...for categories. :) Looking forward to Lee's new Sunday afternoon BBQ's!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Green River

We braved the early morning (fake Irish) drunks to see the green river. Tonight we're going over to Sarah's to eat Corned Beef and Hash...then St. Patty's Day shall be complete :D

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Post Secret

I have a fear of escalators...

I win!

Plane is have been purchased. I'm seeing Radiohead in West Palm in May. :) Even though I had to get lawn seats, the way I see it is...even if I did see them at Lolla, I'd be just as far away. haha

Looking forward to it...

Found this vid on's called "Chicago in the Summer."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Yoga 101

Tonight I had my first ever yoga class. We started with simple and slow body movements and stretches. I couldn't help but this it? i think in my head I was imagining yoga to be a lot like a Pilate's class I took back in college that totally kicked my butt. But as we moved from position to position, exercise to exercise, I noticed the point of yoga was not to wear you out, or make you's to slow your body, mind, and breathing down to the point where you feel like you're in a trance-like state. It was great. In a packed room, I felt like I was in my own world. All that existed was my breathing and the instructor's voice, "inhaaaaaaaale....exxxxxhhaaaaale". first I thought it was a bit much the way he extended each word, but after a little bit, it was really nice. When class was over, I felt like I had just had an hour long massage. I can see myself continuing with this even after this class is over. Can't wait until next Monday.

How many months 'til November? *sigh*

Ok, I'll admit...up until recently I've been a junkie for all this presidential candidate talk. But suddenly it's hit me...enough already! Yes, it doesn't help that I listen to Chicago Public Radio/NPR all day at work. But can we talk about something else?! Even "The Story" has been getting boring. I'm even starting to become disenchanted with ma' girl Hillary. She's getting dirty and it's getting annoying. People don't like dirty campaigns and she's already slacking on the support. Why not take the high road and stop making me look dumb for supporting you? On the same note, I'm so sick of the Obama ass kissing on NPR. Can this man do no wrong? Come on. Seriously, I listen for some balanced opinions. If I wanted a bias opinion I'd watch Fox News. And can I get some decent coverage on McCain please? I'm starting to not like any of them. This talk of a "dream ticket" is also bothering me. I believe Hillary only said it once, but the Media is playing the shit out of it replaying the same quote over and over, as if she's saying it everywhere she goes. Anyways, after all the mudslinging, how could it be possible to have them on the same "team"?

Quit Your Whining!

Found this on The Daily Candy. Thanks Carisa for showing me this website.

What: Yeah, it’s cold. And?
Why: This ain’t Barbados.
When: Until mid-May. That sounds safe.
Where: Outside. You can do it.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

New Digs

I've decided to change my blog "look" because this new layout allows me to include personal links down the side. This will make my life easier...for now I have a one stop shop for everything I look at on the web. Keepin' it "simple stupid". That's how I roll.

Bar Review

Looks like someone has a new hobby :)


a weekend of food and birthdays

It was the weekend of dining out! On Friday night Tim and I meet up with my friend Jarrod and some friends at Avec, a very posh west loop restaurant. The interior was bold, but in a very simplistic way. Basically it looked like a sauna! The entire thing was wood, including the uncomfortable stool (that's right, a stool) that I was sitting on. It was a tapas style restaurant with "small plates" and "large plates", for sharing (FYI, they were all pretty small). However, I must say that this was some of the best food I've tasted in a very long time. You can tell a lot of love went into creating these dishes...they were a real treat. It's nice to splurge every now and then at a place like this, however, the next time I want a treat, I think I will stick with a local favorite...Frasca!

Saturday night was a little more my speed. The girls and I meet up for the final installment of Carisa's birthday Que Rico! The atmosphere was warm and welcoming. We got a table in the back, as to avoid that cold draft from the door. We immediately ordered Margaritas. They were very yummy, and more importantly...strong. About halfway through the second drink, I felt that I had gotten my money's worth. However, the food...was pretty mediocre. Dona Torta, across the street from where I live, has way more punch and flavor to their food. Also, Carisa and I agreed that El Tapitio would win the battle in tasty Mexican cuisine. Putting the food aside, Que Rico! provided an excellent spot for what's most important to a great dinning conversation with friends.

Friday, March 07, 2008

My worst fear has come true...sorta

*sigh* It is with great sadness that I read this today. I want to cry. I really do. This is hands down my favorite band and probably my one chance to see them in another 5 years (if I'm lucky). Why oh why did they have to come to Chicago when I'm gone? I curse you Lollapalooza. You are dead to me. :(*

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Yay! Christian won Project Runway!
They are re-airing the finale tonight...can't wait :D

Up Next: Top Chef Chicago. What would I do without Bravo.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Officially Old.

me: babe, i'm old...i donated to chicago public radio. I'm officially old. BUT, i got free tickets to the Adler Planitarium
tim: oh wow, you are officially old, the certificate should be in the mail
tickets are good though


Signed up for a yoga class today through work. Monday nights 7-9 pm...starting next Monday :) This is all part of the Michi Self-Improvement Project.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Big Day

Clinton v. Obama! Who will win the most votes today? How exciting this election season has been. One can't help but to be drawn in by these two candidates, not because one is a woman and the other is African American (although how could you ignore it) but because of how different they are proposing things should be from what they are now. I think most people who know me, know by now that I sway towards Hillary (no comments please ;). But that is not to say that I do not respect Barack and think he can be a powerful leader. It's just nice to have candidates that you're not embarrassed that doesn't make you feel that can hopefully give Americans a decent reputation.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Garfield minus Garfield

Happy 28th B-Day!!

Happy birthday to my wonderful roommate Carisa! Tonight we're having a b-day party...plenty of pictures to come! :)


I finally got to check out Quenchers last night and boy was it a indie scene fest. I guess I didn't know before, but Quenchers has a HUGE beer menu. Could it possibly rival that of the Map Room? I tried a Lion Lager, a yummy, creamy dark beer per Carisa's recommendation. It did not disappoint :) I like this little bar. The scene was hip, but not stuck up in that indie kinda way (you know what I mean). Plus there was a band playing in the back room...even though we never even gave them a listen...but it was nice to have the option. :) This one's definitely getting added to the list.