Saturday, April 12, 2008

10's and 2's, and the B-word

Yesterday I attended an incredible workshop called, "Powerful Communication Skills for Women". The speaker, Gail Cohen, was inspiring, energetic, and an amazing natural speaker.

We learned many things, but here is what stuck to me:

-Value silence. You don't need to over explain yourself to validate why you made the choice you did, or why you're taking the day off from work, etc. Some women in the workplace feel this pressure. Do you know what a man means when he nods? He means "yes." That simple.

You have people in your life that are 10's (family, friends, loved ones). You have people in your life that are 2's (co-workers, acquaintances). You never need to give a '2' a '10' explanation.

-Different personalities. You work with people who communicate differently than you. Don't feel put off if they approached a situation differently than you would have. Four personalities: the Actor, the Director, the Technician, and the Stagehand. I learned that I'm a Technician. I like emails rather than phone conversations. Mostly because for me it's a way of keeping record of conversations. Also, I like to have all the information before I start. I like to know the big picture, so I can understand how the little pictures fit in. I'm not a big talker (most of the time). I enjoy being alone and working diligently on a project. I take people's "big" ideas and make them work. I suck at delegating work. My downfall: I'm not assertive.

-10 things I do well in the workplace and in my personal life:
1. I build bridges. If I have a problem with someone or something, I find ways to make it work.
2. I let go. I don't hold grudges. If you think I'm mad at you, chances are I've already forgotten about it. I don't have "so much baggage that I'll miss my flight."
3. I take risks. If I feel like it will help me or enrich my life, I'll take a risk to make it happen.
4. I listen. I'm good at listening to people, taking direction, and following though. I'm not good at offering advice if it's a situation I've never been in.
5. I don't get caught up in office drama or gossip.
6. I'm diplomatic. I have a great ability to see situations from all sides, and every angle.
7. I'm diligent. I won't rest until it's done. This results in a lot of lunches at my desk!
8. Something I recently became better at: prioritizing. Knowing what needs to get done now, and what needs to get done tomorrow. Also, communicating this with people so they know where their project stands on my list. No more, "sure I'll get it done right now."
9. I think before I act.
10. I share. Ideas, thoughts, opinions, any thing in my life that has benefited me in any way.

I encourage everyone to make their own list. This actually took me a long time to compile, but it's good to know off the top of your head what your strengths are.

Sidenote: When asked to write down what they most wanted to learn at the end of yesterday's seminar, 50 women were divided into about 7 groups. What was on every group's list? How to be assertive at work without being perceived as a bitch. Hmm, interesting.


Olivia Hein said...
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Olivia Hein said...

10 Things I Do Well in the Workplace and in my Personal Life:
1. I can always see the big picture and I know what steps need to be taken to reach a goal.
2. I'm very organized so nothing is missed or left unfinished.
3. I'm proactive. I don't wait until the last second to do anything.
4. I am welcoming. If I find out that someone is new to town or to a team, I am the first to welcome them, ask them to lunch, offer to show them around and introduce them to other people. I like to include everyone.
5. I stand up for what is right and argue against what I feel is wrong. This has gotten me kicked out of class, has broken up relationships and has limited who I can be friends with. But it's earned me respect from those who matter most to me and I respect myself for it.
6. I appreciate hard work and the good in people. I am quick to compliment on both.
7. I am humble enough to know that I don't know everything. I have incredible role models in my life and if ever I am faced with a situation in which I don't know what to do, I ask them for help.
8. I am helpful and giving. Even if I am overwhelmed at work, if someone stops by my desk and asks for help I will drop what I am doing to help them. Whether it's helping someone write a work review, helping when they are sick or giving the perfect birthday gift, I find great joy in helping/giving to others.
9. I know who I am and what I stand for. I don't apologize for either.
10. I am both right brained and left brained. I am creative and analytical. When I am faced with a situation that involves more than just brain function, I trust my gut. And I always, always listen to my heart. When I am involved with something (be it a project or a relationship) I am in it with my whole self.