Tuesday, April 29, 2008

money woes

This may be faux pas to talk about, but I think some of my friends can understand. I can't seem to ever save a decent amount of money. I finally paid off my credit card a week or so ago, but it still seems to creep it's way into my life. I'm not spending lavishly or anything...just trying to lead a normal life. I feel like I will never pay off my student loan or my car...let alone buy a condo. Driving about 40 miles a day definitely isn't helping. These gas prices are killing me. It cost me $40 to fill my tank yesterday...and I have a Toyota Corolla, not an SUV! And what about vacations? Will I ever get to to go Europe again? *sigh* At least I have that relief check to look forward too. Seems like the price of everything is steadily increasing but my paycheck is staying the same.


Olivia Hein said...

sister, i HEAR you!! i was just saying this to Sarah earlier today. just when i start to get ahead something comes up (like a cracked filling) that sucks all that savings away.

it's depressing.

Unknown said...

Money... what is this 'money'?

Ed Mahony said...

My experience, from past, is to go cold turkey - and just to focus on paying it off (saving money whereever you can), and then saving. It's not so bad going cold turkey, and relief, of course, when you have it all paid off .. Just stick at it, and you will get there ..