Monday, March 10, 2008

Yoga 101

Tonight I had my first ever yoga class. We started with simple and slow body movements and stretches. I couldn't help but this it? i think in my head I was imagining yoga to be a lot like a Pilate's class I took back in college that totally kicked my butt. But as we moved from position to position, exercise to exercise, I noticed the point of yoga was not to wear you out, or make you's to slow your body, mind, and breathing down to the point where you feel like you're in a trance-like state. It was great. In a packed room, I felt like I was in my own world. All that existed was my breathing and the instructor's voice, "inhaaaaaaaale....exxxxxhhaaaaale". first I thought it was a bit much the way he extended each word, but after a little bit, it was really nice. When class was over, I felt like I had just had an hour long massage. I can see myself continuing with this even after this class is over. Can't wait until next Monday.


Olivia Hein said...

did you do Child's Pose? that is my absolute favorite.
if you're looking for good Yoga at home instruction, check out AM/PM Yoga for Beginners.

Michi said...

we didn't do that pose...but it looks very nice :)

Come to think of it, the instructor didn't tell us what poses we were doing...I want to know all the names!