Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Is Sex and the City bad for some women?

I’m listening to an interesting conversation (on NPR) about spring break and girls going wild. The guest speaker mentioned the show Sex and the City and suggested that it may have given girls a “false” sense of sexual power. This reminded me of one time hearing a guy say something along the lines of "I love the show Sex and the City! It makes girls feel like it's ok to be sluts!" Ugh! This got me thinking about the tone of the show and how it could be perceived in different ways, and how I perceive it. The show has its name for a reason…there is a lot of sex involved…often with random men. Even with this in mind, to me, these characters never come across as slutty or whore-ish (ok, maybe except for Samantha) because it always seems like these women have the upper hand. They are all successful, beautiful, and very smart. It seems sad to me that some girls may watch this show and feel that it gives them free-reign to be sexually “free” in front of mobs of people because it's their "choice".

To my girlfriends and I, the show does something very important…it attempts (successfully?) to break down the terrifying idea that by the time you’re thirtysomething you must be married with children.


Olivia Hein said...

i agree. the show does 2 wonderful things for me:
1) reminds me that it's ok to be thirtysomething and not married with children
2) highlights that the bond between women is very special.

i think an intelligent girl/woman would understand that the show isn't about sex. it's about relationships.

David said...

Oh, it's good to hear this kind of assessment from girls.

But... maybe it's ok if some girls wanna go wild and play the slut. I mean, they have the right to do so. We men do it all the time. Fair is fair, isn't it?

I agree with Olivia: I used to see the show many years ago with an ex-fiancé, and indeed is about relationships. I learned a lot about women (still learning, though).

Be cool :)