Monday, March 24, 2008

a bracket for the rest of us

I know it must be college basketball time because I'm getting all those annoying emails at work from people trying to hit me up for money. Why would I pay $10 for a box on a sheet of paper? Last year I picked the Gators to go all the way (of course) and when they did, I saw nothing! Not even my $10 back. I know it's more complicated than that...but I don't care. hehe.

So the girls at Go Fug Yourself have created a bracket for the rest of us. Check it out :)


Anonymous said...

Just an FYI, generally those who know the least about college basketball often do the best when it comes to winning their respective office pool. Really, its annoying but true.


Michi said...

I've heard that. yeah the people who pick teams because a cousin of a friend went there. They somehow win it all.