Thursday, February 21, 2008

pet peeves

I'm listening to NPR, they're having an interesting discussion on pet peeves in the work place. A caller explained in a great way why people (including myself) get so annoyed when others talk on their cell phones in public. It's because when you can only hear one side of the conversation your brain is constantly trying to fill in the gaps. This made sense to me because I've noticed that when someone is speaking a different language on their cells, it doesn't bother me as much. Probably because I can't follow the conversation anyway.

Some other sources of annoyance:
-people who park in two parking spots
-people smacking their gum
-people bringing their cell phone conversations into the a public bathroom! (what?!)
-people taking too long to merge on the highway because they are trying to pass everyone in line...SO true!

Couple of my own:
-People who call their large dogs "puppies" and don't care when they jump on you.
-crying babies in movie theaters... and the parent refuses to leave.
-People at work who start sentences in the following ways: "You're gonna kill me...", "Not like you need more work but...", "It will only take 2 seconds..."


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with 'loud eating.' AKA 'Smacking.' Yuck.

Also, I've never understood why some women refer to men as 'boys.'
Example: I met a nice boy at the bar last night.


Olivia Hein said...

i totally call all men "boys". :)

i hate people who have their cell phone on at work and it's a dumb ring like "Walk Like an Egyptian". and it rings all day long, while they're off in meetings.