Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Economist

Once again it is 9pm on Thursday night and I find myself thinking "huh?". What a crazy episode of Lost tonight. True to Lost form, I'm left with more questions that need answers. The last couple minutes kind of blew my mind, but I won't spoil it for a certain someone who had a real v-day instead of watching TV ;)

And what was up with that rocket? And why did the "rescuers" have that photo of Penny and Desmond if they weren't sent by Penny?

Sorry Carisa for shushing you out of the room ;) This is serious business here.

By the way, nothing goes better with Lost than some Presecco and Dominos pizza.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. That was COMPLETELY rude of me to talk during Lost, Michi! Thanks for spending Vday with me!! :)


Olivia Hein said...

I plan on watching LOST sometime in the next day or two. thanks for not spoiling it for me :)