Thursday, July 10, 2008

Give me your eyes, I need sunshine

On Tuesday night, Lee and I went to the House of Blues to see Wolf Parade. The doors opened at 5:30...Wolf Parade went on at 8pm. What's up with these early shows during the week? By the time we got down to HOB, we had only missed one song. The place was packed and at first we were standing right next to a drunk chick who kept yelling "Play This Heart's on Fire!!!!!" Good lord woman, give them a chance! They were only on their second song. She was also doing the typical drunk girl hippie dance. Once she was out of the picture, and after finding our nook in the wall, we were able to really enjoy the show. The band sounded perfect and they played lots of songs from Apologies to the Queen Mary and some new songs from At Mount Zoomer. It was a great set, and I finally got to check out the Chicago House of Blues. One highlight of the show was when they played my favorite song...I'll Believe in Anything.

Check out our video from the show. Notice how about half way through the view gets better. That's because my brother, who is much taller than me, took the camera. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet post. I like the histerical laughter at the end.

Yours truly,
Harry Knuckles