Sunday, July 06, 2008

Jeff Koons

The Museum of Contemporary Art recently opened an exhibit of famous kitsch pop artist, Jeff Koons. I was excited to see his work in person because I'd learned about him and seen slides in my art history classes. Luckily for Tim and I , Bank of America was running some sort of offer that allowed its card holders in for free. So in we went! First off, we were impressed with the diversity of his work. He had a little of everything....from oil paintings, to porcelain sculptures, to shiny metallic balloon-like sculptures,! If you know anything about Jeff Koons' history, you know that he was/is sort of a rebel in the art world, and he's also famous for marrying an Italian porn actress. This lead to the inspiration for his Made in Heaven series, which includes explicit images of he and his wife. A little warning would have been nice as we made our way into this section of the exhibit. Thank God there were no little kids around! ;)

What I find most interesting about seeing pieces of art in real life is that you never know how big or small a piece of art really is. Since everything is projected at the same size on the wall (in art classes)...I'm often surprised when I see a piece of art in real life. I'd seen slides of Koons' Bubbles many times, but after seeing it yesterday, I was surprised at how big it was.

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