Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chance encounters

I just got home from a great night out with some old friends from Orlando, and some new friends from Chicago. Renee and Kristin are in town for Lollapalooza, so I met up with Tim and them at Piece, the fabulous pizza joint in Wicker Park. Earlier in the night I asked Olivia if she'd like to meet us for some drinks, only to find out that she was already on her way there to meet up with one of her friends. Perfect.
After Piece we headed over to Subterranean for a free show sponsored by Rhapsody. We watched a couple fun dancy/hip hop bands before I realized that I have to work I said goodbye to everyone and left.
As I'm waiting for the Damen bus to go home, I strike up a conservation with the other person waiting at the bus stop. Turns out, not only is this person a designer, but he works with the Drive-By Pressers...who I just recently bought a shirt from a couple weeks ago at the Belmont Music fest. Funny how the world works. We wait and wait for the bus, until we finally decide to split a cab. I was going to Roscoe Village... he was going to Lincoln Square. This experience just reminded me of how small the world is, and while I don't usually talk to strangers, sometimes it's good to. You never know what their story might be and how you may somehow be connected.

Check out the first act we saw last night, Hollywood Holt. I think at first the crowd was a little shocked by his energy level. Indie kids aren't used to so much jumping around, haha. Once the crowd got warmed up (thanks to the open bar?)...things got a lot more fun. I think Hollywood should have been on later, when the crowd filled up. He's definitely a hype man though, which would explain why he was on earlier.

Here's a rap about a moped. Gotta love it ;)

1 comment:

Olivia Hein said...

i have a hangover from too many Baron Von Awesomes. :)

we ended up going to Estelle's after eating dinner. It was such a fun night!

i'm glad we got to chat briefly last night. have fun in NY!