For the past 3-4 days I've been dealing with one of the worst colds (actually it was the flu) that I've ever had. It completely knocked me on my ass and took me away from work for 3 days. I can't remember the last time I had a cold so I think that made it even more hard to deal with. I've been spending most of my time in my room, in bed, while occasionally venturing out to watch some TV.
The good news is I"m feeling MUCH better today and I know I'll be back to work tomorrow. Also, I got to live the housewife life for a couple days (minus the screaming children and plus a 101 fever). While feeling lame for myself on the couch I caught some of Oprah's Best Week series. Man, I forgot how inspirational and educational her show can be. Don't make fun of me! In Chicago her show is on at 9am so I never catch it. Today she had on Suze Orman, the often annoying (but very good) financial expert. After listening to her list of ways to be financially responsible in 2009 I realized I'm in pretty awesome shape. I know I have my parents to thank for teaching my brothers and I how to not blow our money. My dad's been giving me alot of advice for a retirement fund and everything he said was repeated by Suze today. My mom always taught us to live within our means...even though I'd make fun of her for always buying store brand! It's nice to know that if the worst does happen and I lose my job...I have a decent safety net waiting for me.